The majority of our projects culminate in the preparation of a detailed Report, which can be either factual or interpretative to satisfy Customer requirements.
Our Reports are the lasting, tangible product of our work and we take great pride in their thoroughness, quality, user-friendliness and usefulness to all parties involved, whether lay-reader or expert.
However, in todays' competitive market place, where, contracts are awarded to the lowest common denominator, unless otherwise requested:-
Site Records and Drawings:- The default presentation of results is using hand annotated Site Record Sheets (SRSs), for recording test data and details gathered on site, with either neat hand-drawn site sketches, or hand annotated Client supplied AutoCAD outlines, with standardised schedules of dilapidations and defects, again annotated by hand.
Unless specifically requested, we will not re-process these documents further.
Report:- Our report will be detailed, describing the works undertaken and the various methods employed, our findings; presented on the hand annotated SRSs, the site sketches and, where appropriate the site schedules of dilapidations and defects, together with summary tables of in-situ and Laboratory test results, together with record photographs.
Where requested we will provide interpretative comments, based upon experience and industry standard guidance, with remedial advice, the latter with what we consider the cost-effective options to be.
Remedial advice:- The design of a specific remedial works strategy will obviously be influenced by a potentially extensive array of factors, many outside our knowledge and our recommendations must necessarily be limited to a simplistic clarification of generic options, intended to enable and encourage a focus, 'on a selection of potential trees in the forest' and invite feedback, during which additional information can be factored in.
If you require costings for remedial works; following the issue of our Report, meetings and or discussions need to take place, to review our findings, to feedback and discuss in more detail the future life of the structure and any specific requirements in terms of its repair, refurbishment, augmentation or strengthening.
Costings for remedial works:- As a default we will provide a single 'ball park' guidance figure for the likely costs of the remedial works Option recommended. This will involve a brief review the data gathered by an estimating / commercial specialist who, unless otherwise instructed, will assume that a Medium Term, 'pukka', repair and refurbishment will be required.
For the preparation of a single higher level Budget Quotation, with a breakdown of costs, based upon an analysis of the data gathered, we will need to undertake sometimes extensive processing of that data, with an estimating / commercial specialist undertaking a detailed assessment of our findings. This will incur additional costs, which will be detailed, as optional extras, in our Quotations.
If you require multiple 'ball park' figures and or higher level Budget Quotations, we will need to know as soon as possible so that we can book a timely slot within the estimating / commercial specialist's busy programme.